Tips for Maintaining and Taking Care of a Glycol Chiller
Various industries rely on glycol chillers for cooling. A glycol-based coolant allows for more consistent cooling temperatures, protecting perishable items such as refrigerated food from spoilage. But, of course, you can’t expect the system to function properly if you don’t take care of it.
how do you ensure your glycol chiller is in tip-top shape? Here are some
important maintenance tips to remember:
Check the chiller daily.
Industrial chiller maintenance can be tedious, but it’s
necessary to prevent damage and maximize efficiency. It’s best to track the system’s
operations daily, collecting vital information about its temperature, pressure,
fluid levels, flow rates, and more.
This way, you can ensure that the chiller is
functioning correctly on any given day, and you will easily notice
discrepancies in your data in case of damage or malfunction.
Keep the chiller clean.
Thermal resistance can decrease the efficiency of your
chiller. Because of this, you must clean the system’s tubes regularly,
eliminating any sign of mud, algae, mineral buildup, and other debris. Doing
this once a year is more than enough; however, if your chiller runs 24/7,
consider a more frequent cleaning schedule.
Measure your glycol
If your chiller runs on a glycol-based coolant, measure
its glycol concentration and ensure everything is below freezing point.
Otherwise, the chiller could freeze during normal operation, restricting
airflow and possibly damaging your evaporator.
For water-cooled chillers, make sure the chilled water
flow rate is within the 3 ft/s to 12 ft/s range. This prevents the flow from
causing vibration and tube erosion.
Create a checklist.
Finally, you should ensure that all parts of your
chiller are working correctly. To make this step easier, you can create a checklist.
Your list must include examining the safety and sensor calibrations, electrical
connections to and from the system, motor cooling air vents, shaft seal, and
electrical motor winds.
In addition, you can create a checklist of predictive maintenance analyses for your system, investigating parameters such as vibration, corrosion, and laser shaft alignment.
for more ways to increase the longevity of your glycol
chiller? Don’t forget to invest
in a high-quality system from top manufacturing companies! Top-of-the-line
industrial cooling systems are made with the best materials and technology,
ensuring they can handle your specific cooling requirements.
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