Revolutionize Your Industrial Processes with Process Chillers: A Complete Overview

Most industrial processes involve the use of heavy pieces of machinery that generate too much heat. It's important to regulate that excessive heat to avoid safety hazards and other problems, like damage to your machines. That's why we recommend getting an appropriate process chiller according to your exact requirements. That way, you can expect optimal performance and long-lasting cooling equipment that will add value to your operations.

With the right chiller, you can avoid repair and maintenance costs due to machine failure and maintain optimal temperatures on your production floor. Think of it as an added measure to keep your users and facility safer. To ensure reliable performance, we designed our process chillers to be flexible, compact, and available in various configurations to suit your specific process cooling tasks. Our products are ideal for small- and medium-scale process cooling requirements.

Configure the chiller for your applications.

There is no single process chiller to suit all requirements, so think of your process cooling needs and discuss them with a reputable manufacturer. A qualified engineering team will work with you to customize a suitable chiller for specific applications. Here are some of the things they can offer to improve the process chilling equipment for your industrial processes:


·   Stainless steel water parts for high-precision equipment that require deionized or purified water during processing.

·  Medical-grade or food-grade parts for pharmaceutical industries and food and beverage processing.

·  Corrosion-resistant water parts for surface treatments like plating and anodizing and processing that uses acidic fluids.

·    Dual-chilled water circuits for applications that require a large difference in outlet and inlet temperature.

Versatile chillers

A standard air-cooled or water-cooled process chiller has a 1 KW to 203.8 KW cooling capacity range. If you have specific requirements, feel free to discuss them with our engineering team to find the ideal industrial process cooling solutions.

Contact us to discover more process cooling solutions.

Our specialists here at Senho are ready to learn about your industrial processes. Simply fill out the online form on this website to connect with us!




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